Tuesday 21 June 2011

Viewing Porn at Work

Sexy Blondes Swinger Club GuideRegardless of the ever growing Internet usage limits enforced on employees at work, it looks like viewing pornography in the workplace is as prevalent today as it always was. This is an ongoing issue for high-level management and HR that needs to be addressed. This can be hugely frustrating for management as I am sure that there are far more pressing issues to be addressed than dealing with employees who continually look at porn in the workplace; this is especially true in the current environment where there is huge obstacles facing all companies in the current recessionary climate and it would help management if they could focus on that. It is annoying when management's attention is taken away from more pressing issues and they are forced to deal with employees viewing porn.
It is important for companies to remember that this is a worldwide issue not just something that happens within their company. From the biggest company in the world to small SME's, cases of looking at inappropriate material continually arise. It is always a battle in the work place, on one hand how much do you restrict an employee on their PC, while on the other hand how much can you trust your employees to behave appropriately. I read on an article that 65% of companies in the US use software to monitor the usage of their PCs. It is relatively easy to monitor a desktop PC in the company office however it is much harder to monitor a mobile device like an smart Phone or Blackberry. Mobile devices are such an integral part of our work force, helping our employees to be more mobile and more efficient is critical that these resources are used appropriately. However if employees continue to behave like they have been doing then mobile devices will be used to view porn in this is extremely hard for companies to monitor.
This can be very worrying for companies as they are technically responsible for everything in the workplace. Some companies view this as a harassment case waiting to happen, in many ways monitoring that type of behaviour within company walls is very doable however when the company is exposed to harassment because of inappropriate use on mobile devices is a different matter. This puts the company at huge risk and they is very little the company can do about it. Apart from an harassment risk from other employees, there is also the risk that customers or suppliers that interact with company employees and be exposed to inappropriate material which could have severe consequences for any business.
You have to ask yourself why employees do it when they know the risk. Without having to look at company policies and procedures employees should know that viewing porn in the workplace can lead to disciplinary actions. However people continue to view porn in the workplace even with enforcement of HR policies and even with blocking software used to control the usage of Internet. With the speed of broad band increasing every year it is making the access to porn even easier. The quality of porn being viewed would be higher if the broadband speed is faster therefore making it more attractive to the person who wishes to view porn. What does a company have to do to stop employees using a valuable resource and inappropriately?